ADHD Assessments – Child

The aim of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessment is to identify characteristics in a child’s behaviour and cognition which may meet the criteria of ADHD. The ADHD screening and other assessment measures are completed by the child, as well as the child’s parent and teacher to obtain a full developmental and behavioural history to support the assessment. This assessment is suitable for children aged 6 to 16 years and assesses their behaviour and development in the following areas: Inattention (difficulty concentrating) Impulsivity (often interrupt others or difficulty controlling own behaviours) Hyperactivity (constant motion and unable to sit still) What is included in the ADHD Assessment for children? A parent-only interview and review of your child’s developmental and educational history as well as presenting concerns. Questionnaires completed by parents and teachers to provide further background to presenting concerns. Standardised testing of your child’s behavioural patterns and learning skills. Comprehensive feedback session to discuss the results of the assessment and answer all your questions. Detailed report of the findings of the assessment. How long does it take? 1. Parent-only session (50 mins) 2. Child cognitive assessment part 1 (90 mins) 3. Feedback session (50 mins) A report will be provided to you at the feedback session. Please note, for medication treatment options you will need to consult with a paediatrician or child psychiatrist. Fees for the child ADHD assessment are $2000, payable at the time of assessment.

ADHD Assessments – Adult

The aim of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessment is to identify characteristics in your behaviour which may meet the criteria of ADHD. The ADHD assessment is suitable for people 16 years and over and assesses your development in the following areas: Inattention (difficulty concentrating) Impulsivity (often interrupt others or difficulty controlling own behaviours) Hyperactivity (constant motion and unable to sit still) What is included in the General Cognitive Assessment? An initial interview and review of your presenting concerns and personal background. Standardised testing of your behavioural patterns and learning skills. Comprehensive feedback session to discuss the results of the assessment and answer all your questions. Detailed report of the findings of the assessment will be given to you at the feedback session. How long does it take? 1. Initial session (90 - 120 mins appointment) 2. Feedback session (50 mins) Please note, for medication treatment options you will need to consult with a psychiatrist. Fees for the Adult ADHD assessment are $1850, payable at the time of assessment.