There is no one-size-fits-all approach for an injured brain. You need personalised therapy to treat any cognitive issues you’re experiencing due to illness, injury or reduced capabilities.
CRT helps you maximise your cognitive potential in your everyday activities by providing education, training and strategies tailored to meet your needs.
Our Neuropsychologists take a holistic approach to creating your treatment plan. It typically involves you, and the support people around you like family members, carers or health professionals. Your plan may include all or some of these steps:
Understanding more about the impact your ABI by identifying the specific strengths and weaknesses in your thinking skills.
Practising the cognitive skills that are your particular weakness
Using external and internal strategies to help compensate for areas of weakness
Applying what you’ve learned so far and putting it into practice in your daily life
Your plan will help us assess whether you and your family observe improvements in your daily activities.